Coffee & Donut Host instructions

Thank you host team!

Check can be picked up Thursday afternoon- 4 pm or Friday 9 am- 4 pm.

Pick up donuts at Dunkin Donuts.  We usually order between 5 & 7 dozen- please call Friday to place order once you have check from OLOW.

Pick up 1 dozen sliced bagels at Panera Bread- $10 dozen – receipt needs to be submitted to bookeeper for parish re-inburstment.

Prior to the 9 am Mass or during if attending another Mass the following is the set-up: Coffee – full urn of regular and 1 gallon decaf. Need to make a second urn of regular based upon crowd. Set out the money box at the end of the table and tent cards at each table.

Container in Refrigerator labeled Coffee & Donut Ministry has drink mix, butter, jelly, peanut butter, and cream cheese. We keep the dishes and tongs in this container for safe keeping...

Mix up a few pitchers of juice and set out with a few pitchers of water. Do not store unused drinks.

Set-up tea water – you can fill a pot from the coffee urn in kitchen, on demand hot water in center. Place it on the Bunn warmer on counter in social hall- tea items are in a cabinet below.

Put 2 toasters on counter.

On 2 or 3 long tables place the donuts, small napkins, small plates, and bagel trays. At the end of the table near the toasters put butter, jelly, peanut butter, cream cheese and knives.

Clean-up: wipe all tables, put supplies away (toasters & Bunn warmers for coffee urns too), wash all serving items, pitchers and coffee mugs in the dishwasher and put away. Any leftover donuts can be boxed up and left on the counter near microwave we will take them to the office Monday morning for money counters.  Two people take the money in the kitchen and count it, fill out an event slip and put it with the money in a zip lock bag labeled Coffee & Donuts. This should go to the church safe in the sacristy. The money counters will take it from there with the Sunday collection. Make sure kitchen is clean, lights are off and door is locked. Bathroom lights and social hall lights need to be turned off. Please make sure the doors to gathering space are locked if Staff member is not present.  

Thank you for helping us put on a coffee & donut fellowship Sunday. This is a great way to grow in community when we fellowship with one another.

Peace & many blessings

Our Lady of the Woods